I love both learning and teaching. So here are a collection of tutorials by me, or tutorials that I have found helpful in learning to code and design games.
My tutorial series on coding fundamentals in GML can be found here. There's approximately 50 lessons covering topics that range from variables and variable scope to creating your own custom data structures!
An official tutorial from YoYo games on making your first game. It's well designed, assumes no starting knowledge, and covers a lot of the practical aspects of using GameMaker Studio 2.3.
Check out these great GDC videos by GameMaker Devs talking about their process of making games!
Extra Credits is a great site and this is a great playlist. It is what it says on the cover—a playlist about making your first game.
A blog post I wrote that covers some of the basics of learning to program in GameMaker Studio 2. The end contains a list of resources.
A blog post I wrote that covers some of the basics of learning more advanced programming skills in GameMaker Studio 2. Its full of resources to learn more complicated things.